TIP OF THE DAY: Juice Mixing For Ideal Flavor | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Juice Mixing For Ideal Flavor | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Juice Mixing For Ideal Flavor


Mix different juices to create your perfect
blend. Photo by Jaclyn Nussbaum | THE


Anyone with an electric juicer has experienced combining different fruits and vegetables into a glass of juice.

We don’t have a juicer, but we recently discovered juice mixology when we received a shipment of Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company—wonderful, pulpy juices that taste fresh-squeezed.

  • As wonderful as the Orange Juice is, Honey Tangerine Juice is a nice switch.
  • Mango Peach Orange Juice, a seasonal blend, was lovely as is.
  • But the seasonal Blackberry Limeade Juice, rich with the sweet flavor of summer blackberries, was a bit too sweet for us. We added a bit of tartness by mixing in the company’s delicious Grapefruit Juice. The result was perfection—our mixed juice was our favorite of the bunch.
    If you find yourself with a juice that’s too sweet or too tart, try juice mixing.

  • A tart citrus juice—grapefruit, lemon or lime juice—can correct a juice that’s too sweet.
  • Sweeter juices, such as orange juice, blood orange juice, canned mango juice and pineapple juice, can sweeten juices that aren’t sweet enough.

    And the process of trying different proportions in your mix is fun.

    Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company is a fifth-generation, family-owned Florida enterprise. The company produces all-natural, fresh pasteurized and fresh frozen juice* products to acclaim, both at home and abroad.

    First, the finest fruits from Florida groves are hand-selected. But that’s not all it takes to make great juice. The company’s “secret” is in the squeezing: The fruit is gently squeezed so that there is no bitter taste from the peel oils. It takes more time, but you can taste the difference.

    The company calls its products “gourmet pasteurized” juice. We agree.

    *The bottled juices, in the refrigerator case, are pasteurized to ensure a shelf life of up to 26 days. Frozen juices don’t need to be pasteurized.

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