TIP OF THE DAY: Alternative Uses For Vodka | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: Alternative Uses For Vodka | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: Alternative Uses For Vodka

A friend who recently visited Russia brought us back a bottle of vodka.

While he chose it as a novelty, it turned out not to be very good Russian vodka. But a vodka bottle with all-cyrillic lettering was gift enough.

We decided to fill the Russian bottle with better vodka, and were wondering if we should simply pour the firewater down the sink.

Then, we received an email with “green” household uses for vodka. Here are 12 alternative uses for vodka besides drinking it.

Check out these nifty uses for vodka you don’t want to drink. Our favorites: keeping cut flowers fresh and making vodka mouthwash. You can also spray it as an insect repellent.

Who knew?

If you’d rather drink the vodka, here are cocktail recipes.

Flowers live longer with a splash of vodka. Photo courtesy ProFlowers.



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