EVENT: Third Annual NYC Food Film Festival, June 13-19 | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures EVENT: Third Annual NYC Food Film Festival, June 13-19 | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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EVENT: Third Annual NYC Food Film Festival, June 13-19

Foodies & Filmies Alert: The Third Annual NYC Food Film Festival is right around the corner. From June 13-19, a series of films based on food, screened in various locations in New York City, will offer attendees a variation of “dinner and a movie”—you’ll get to taste the foods inspired by the films. Debuting June 13, with a gala opening at the Astor Center, ticket holders can sample the Cruze Family Farm buttermilk featured in the film “Buttermilk: It Can Help.” Some of the festival screenings are FREE. But if you would like to watch Ron Mann’s “Know Your Mushrooms” while you enjoy mushrooms in various preparations by acclaimed New York City chef Brad Farmerie, of SoHo’s Public, along with Harry Hawk’s famous aged rib eye cheese steaks (June 14th) you will need to pony up $85. We had a taste, and if you’re flush, it’s worth it. For more information, visit NYCFoodfilmfestival.com. nyc-food-film-festival-230

A free film screening, al fresco.

Some of the screenings:

  • “Eat or We Both Shall Starve,” about a Mississippi catfish joint; an exposé on Malaysian street food (“Street Chows”) and a nail-biting super-short thriller about a stalk of celery and a knife (“Celeriac”).
  • “Food Cops” about a hamburger and a hot dog hunting for a criminal on the streets of New York and “Sandwich Thief” where a fight over a sandwich leads to an unexpected conclusion.
  • Much more—see the website.
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