PRODUCT: Pink Grapefruit Perrier | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures PRODUCT: Pink Grapefruit Perrier | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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PRODUCT: Pink Grapefruit Perrier

Perrier in lemon, pink grapefruit and lime.
Photo courtesy Nestlé.

While we watch our food miles, we occasionally treat ourselves to a bottle of Perrier Sparkling Natural Mineral Water.

When flavored Perrier first became available, we gave it a shot. The verdict: dreadful, tasting like lemon or lime soap.

So we would have been the last customer for the pink grapefruit flavor, recently found in our area. But a friend—aware of our fondness for both sparkling water and grapefruit—brought over both a standard 750ml bottle and a package of slim cans.

Surprise: It tastes good.

Fans of grapefruit—feel free to try it and enjoy it.


The spring from which Perrier is pumped and bottled has been used as a spa since Roman times. It is in the town of Verges, near Marseilles, in the South of France.

The source was long called “Les Bouillens,” boiling waters, because of the way the spurts out of the ground, like boiling water.

The source’s unique balance of minerals provides its unique taste. Perrier is naturally carbonated from volcanic gas pockets that are trapped deep within the limestone rock. It is given more carbonation at when bottled.

In 1898 Louis Perrier, a local doctor, bought the spring and operated a commercial spa at the site. He also bottled the water for sale.

He later sold the spring to St. John Harmsworth, a wealthy British visitor with a marketing savvy, who renamed the spring Source Perrier and bottled the water in distinctive green bottles shaped like Indian clubs.

Today the brand is owned by Nestlé, and is currently sold in five varieties: citron, lemon, lime, unflavored and pink grapefruit.

Since 2002, other lines of Perrier have been introduced in France:

  • Eau de Perrier, in a blue bottle, which is less carbonated than the original line.
  • Perrier Fluo (for “fluorescent”), targeted to younger consumers, with fluorescent labels in trendier flavors such as ginger-cherry, ginger-lemon, orange-lychee, peppermint and raspberry.

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