PRODUCT: Try Flavored Pretzels For A Change | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures PRODUCT: Try Flavored Pretzels For A Change | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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PRODUCT: Try Flavored Pretzels For A Change

Pretzels with an extra twist: special flavors!
Photo by Jaclyn Nussbaum | THE NIBBLE.
  Given the many brands and different flavors of potato chips out there, you’d think there would be an equal choice of flavored pretzels.

But there isn’t.

Snyder’s Of Hanover is our favorite of the bigger pretzel lines. They sell flavored pretzel pieces in seven flavors, including BBQ, Cheddar and Ranch, plus Nibblers (pretzel nuggets) in Honey Mustard and Sourdough.

H.K. Anderson, a favorite smaller line (read our review), makes honey mustard-flavored pretzels.

Now, there’s a new line of flavored pretzels from Vibrant Flavors (makers of one of our favorite seasonings, Oregon Dukkah). While they look like standard small pretzels, Vibrant Flavors pretzels have unexpected bursts of flavor. The flavor is inside; there’s nothing to get onto your fingers.

The pretzels are made in Barbecue, Beerzels, Italian Herb, Maple Bacon, Roasted Garlic and Sweet Onion. Our favorites were Italian Herb, Maple Bacon and Sweet Onion.


While the Beerzels may sound tempting, they have a very particular taste. Instead, go for a glass of real beer and a pretzel—plain or flavored. To our palate, the Garlic tasted of garlic chips—not one of our favorite expressions of garlic.

You can buy the pretzels online at and

In addition to snacking from the bag, we’ve enjoyed the pretzels:

  • With cottage cheese and yogurt
  • With soup and sandwiches
  • Atop a salad, instead of croutons
    More Pretzels

  • The history of pretzels
  • Reviews of our favorite pretzels and other salty snacks
  • Bake soft pretzels at home

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