TIP OF THE DAY: For Black Coffee Drinkers | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures - The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures TIP OF THE DAY: For Black Coffee Drinkers | The Nibble Webzine Of Food Adventures
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TIP OF THE DAY: For Black Coffee Drinkers

Want to add zing to your black coffee? Try fresh lemon.

A piece of peel is often served as a garnish for espresso, so adapt the practice for black coffee. Here’s the drill:

1. Cut a piece of lemon peel.
2. Rub the pith around the rim of the cup to release the lemon oil, which is a lovely counterpoint to the bitterness of the coffee.
3. Place the peel in the saucer. (We actually eat our peel!)

The lemon oil doesn’t interfere with the flavors of quality coffee; and if the coffee needs something to make it taste better, voilà. It’s calorie-free, too.


Enjoy a twist with black coffee.
Photo courtesy euvs.org.

Visit our Gourmet Coffee section to discover the flavors and aromas of coffee, our favorite coffee products, recipes and much more about coffee and espresso.


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