THE NIBBLE BLOG: Products, Recipes & Trends In Specialty Foods

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TIP OF THE DAY: Identifying A Ripe Avocado

Avocado is a fruit that does not ripen on the tree: It needs to be picked first. Depending on the variety and other factors, it then takes three to six days to ripen at room temperature.

To speed ripening, place the avocado(s) in a lightly-closed paper bag with two or three apples or bananas. The ethylene gas naturally released by apples and bananas will speed the ripening of other fruits.

How often have you squeezed an avocado to determine if it’s ripe?

Here’s another option: Try to dislodge the stem nub with your fingernail. If it loosens easily, the avocado is ready to eat.

  • If you’re using the avocado for a salad or as garnish, you’ll want it just ripe enough to keep its form when sliced or cubed.
  • If you’re making guacamole, avocado dip, sauce or other soft food, you can let it ripen for another day or two.
  • If you have too many ripe avocados, stick them in the fridge.



Photo courtesy California Department of Education.

Find more tips and recipes in our Gourmet Vegetables Section.


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RECIPE: Peach Raspberry Lemonade

Turn ripe peaches into peach lemonade.
Photo by Gerhard Taatgen Jr. | SXC.


We’re on a lemonade kick. Yesterday we came back from the farmers market with ripe peaches and made a delicious pitcher of Peach Raspberry Lemonade. Per person, you’ll need:


  • 2 tablespoons peach purée
  • 4 raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon fresh-squeezed lemon juice (use more if you like tart lemonade)
  • 2 teaspoons sweetener (or to taste): sugar, honey, agave nectar or equivalent sugar substitute
  • 1 lemon wedge

    1. Purée peaches in a blender.

    2. Muddle peach purée, raspberries, lemon juice and sweetener in a collins glass or water glass.

    3. Fill the glass with ice water. You can use tap water and ice cubes, but the ice dilutes the drink. Plan in advance and freeze plain lemonade in ice cube trays.

    4. Stir, garnish with lemon wedge and serve.


    To make a whole pitcher of lemonade, multiply the ingredients by the number of people you want to serve, muddle the ingredients in the pitcher, add ice water and optional extra ice cubes. Stir well to blend.

    Don’t over-sweeten this drink: Let the fresh peach flavor shine through.

    Find more of our favorite drinks plus recipes in our Beverages Section.


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    PRODUCT: Chocolate Yogurt & Caramel Yogurt From Oikos

    Dessert yogurt with zero fat? Sure, we’ll try that!

    Oikos, one of our favorite brands of yogurt (made by Stonyfield), has another winner. Its Pure Pleasure yogurts in Caramel and Chocolate will change your perception of yogurt.

    Both are absolutely delicious, 0% fat, certified organic, gluten free, and even OU kosher! The chocolate and caramel flavors ring true. It one could ask for anything more, it would be that others browsing the refrigerator would stop eating it and leave more for us.

    The four-ounce cups provide just enough satisfaction for a quick snack or for dessert. Each cup has 10g protein, 17g total carbs, 110 calories and live and active cultures.

    Unlike most Greek yogurt, the consistency isn’t super-thick. This enables the caramel and chocolate yogurts to be used as a dessert sauce—on pound cake or angel food cake, for example. It’s also a great dipper for fruit.

    You can print out a 50¢ coupon at (registration required).

    Caramel yogurt and chocolate yogurt are
    delicious dessert and snack options. Photo
    by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

    Ten percent of Stonyfield’s profits go to environmental causes. Feel good yet? You’ll feel even better with your first taste of Pure Pleasure yogurt.


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    TIP OF THE DAY: A More Cooperative Ice Cream Scoop

    Ice cream slides off the scoop. Available at

    Just as with any kitchen tool, the right ice cream scoop makes your life easier.

    We had five different ice cream scoops acquired over the years. Our challenge was getting the ball of ice cream to release from the scoop.

    The ice cream scoops with the triggers and spring actions didn’t work for us. The classic style used in ice cream parlors, favored by Mom, wasn’t effective either (she’s a lot stronger than we are).

    Apparently, quite a few other people have the sticking problem. So Norpro created its Nonstick Anti-Freeze Ice Cream Scoop. Plastic instead of metal, it cuts through hard ice cream and just as easily releases the balls into the dish. It costs less than metal scoops—just $6.55 at

    Invite friends over for ice cream to try your new scoop. Have everyone bring their scoops and call it “research.”


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    PRODUCT: New Leaf Bottled Lemonade

    We celebrated National Lemonade yesterday by trying the flavors of New Leaf Lemonade.

    The company makes bottled tea, lemonade and a lemonade-tea mix with an emphasis on all-natural flavors. The sweetener is organic cane sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup.

    The 17 New Leaf options include four lemonades: Black Cherry, Homemade (Original), Strawberry and Tiger, a half lemonade/half tea blend (also known as an Arnold Palmer, after the golf great who popularized it).

    People who do not enjoy the tartness of traditional lemonade will be pleased by the smooth lemoniness of New Leaf. It’s made to be as gentle as a soft drink, with almost no hint of ascorbic acid—even though the products are made with lemon juice concentrate.

    It’s easy to tell which of the New Leaf bottles is lemonade: Look for the stripes on the bottle!

    If you’re looking for a bottled tea, New Leaf will oblige with:

    • Black Tea in Lime and Mint, Sweet Tea and Unsweetened
    • Green Tea in Ginseng and Honey, Mango and Plum
    • White Tea in Honeydew and Strawberry

    Lemonade turns over a new leaf. Photo
    by Katharine Pollak | THE NIBBLE.

    • Blue Tea (oolong) in Lemon, Peach, Raspberry, Diet Lemon and Diet Peach


    Learn more at

    Find our favorite soft drinks in our Soft Drinks Section.

    Find reviews of juices and ades in our Juice Section.


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