TIP OF THE DAY: The Dirty Dozen & The Clean Fifteen

The bounty of summer produce encourages us to eat more fruits and vegetables. It seems like the healthy thing to do, and it is. But it’s also time to consider the issue of pesticide residues, and when you should buy organic versus conventional produce. Rinsing the produce does not remove all of the chemical residue.…
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TIP OF THE DAY: How To Avoid Pesticides On Vegetables & Fruit

Consume fewer pesticides: download thepocket guide or app. Image courtesyFoodNews.org.   We’ve previously written about the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15,” terms that refer to how much residual pesticide is left on produce, even after you wash and/or peel it. With tempting seasonal produce entering the market, it’s time to revisit when it pays…
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