FOOD FUN: Mashed Potato Pizza

September is National Potato Month, and our contribution to the festivities is Mashed Potato Pizza. Our favorite baker, The Baker Chick, made it with leftover mashed potatoes. She used slow cooker mashed potatoes, but you can make the mash however you like. For a Thanksgiving Leftovers pizza, you can substitute mashed sweet potatoes and top…
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TIP OF THE DAY: Best Thanksgiving Leftovers Recipes

The best Thanksgiving leftovers recipes. Throw everything into a galette or onto a pizza, with these recipes from three of our favorite food writers: The White On Rice Couple and Audra, The Baker Chick. Todd and Diane, the White On Rice Couple, cleverly tossed the leftovers into a galette. Visit their website and be awed…
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