TIP OF THE DAY: Pungent Vs. Piquant Food

November 9th is Cook Something Bold & Pungent Day. What is pungent food? Pungent is one of the five tastes: bitter, salty, sweet, sour and pungent. There are different interpretations of pungent, especially in ayurveda and diets that evolved from Eastern medicines. For the purpose of the American diet, we propose that pungent food: Has…
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FOOD 101: What’s A Foodie? A Gourmet? A Gourmand? An Epicure?

Are you an epicure, gastronome, gourmet, gourmand or glutton? The Old Foodie, of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, takes on the discussion thusly: “In the lexicon of lip-smacking, an epicure is fastidious in his choice and enjoyment of food, just a soupçon more expert than a gastronome; a gourmet is a connoisseur of the exotic, taste buds…
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