TIP OF THE DAY: Lettuce Crudites

[1] Green goddess: a crudité plate of green lettuces (photo © Empellon | NYC [2] California-grown Castelfranco chicory (photo © Good Eggs). [3] Variegated radicchio, radicchio variegato di castelfranco IGP. IGP is an acronym for indicazione geografica protetta, meaning it can only be grown in a specified region—In this case, the Castelfranco Veneto region of…
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DIY Wedge Salad Party Bar & The Different Types Of Lettuce

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, restaurant menus offered hearts of lettuce salad with creamy dressings. The head was cut into quarters and plated with a slice of tomato for color. Homemakers were fans, too. The iceberg heads were sold fully trimmed, with little waste. It was easy to cut into wedges or slice into…
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